El Hijo Del Phonk

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El Hijo Del Phonk
This user account status is Approved
"The Keyboard Warrior" "El Querido Digital"
The World Wide Web
"You've just been PHONKed"
23 years old
Knight (face)
Sky blue, white and silver

Phonk’s mask is a light metallic grey, with a number of smaller social media symbols around the face and skull. On the back, the iconic “trollface” stares back, giggling at the people whom Phonk has turned his back to.

Tights, with the LEGALLY DISTINCT logos of knockoff social media companies plastered all over them

El Hijo Del Phonk is a social media icon, who excels at puncturing the egos of all those on the roster, Knight or Rogue, who have let their fame or status go to their heads. Bringing a splash of internet culture to the ring, Phonk is just as likely to prat around in a match with eye pokes, trips and pratfalls as he is to bust out an array of sharp strikes and technical holds.

a computer keyboard
Get Phonked (Figure Four Jacknife Pin)
Phonkbuster (Ki Krusher- Sitout Fisherman Driver)
Dab On The Haters (Top Rope Elbow Drop whilst dabbing)

Kicks (various)
Running Knee Strikes
Basic lucha moves

Comedy Spots:
Phonk rolls, pops up and delivers a slap to the face
Phonk sticks out a leg and trips a charging opponent
Phonk heroically charges in to save a tag partner, only to bounce off a larger opponent
(I leave the rest to you)

Phonk busts out an array of surprising moves, ranging from flips to dives and big spots. I leave it to the creativity of the writer- but only used sparingly
