El Supervillaino

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El Supervillaino
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Rouge Incarnate, El Maestro del Caos (The Master of Mayhem)
"The Dark Abyss"
Rogue (heel)
Black and white. Adds crimson red when he comes out with his entrance cape.

Basic full black mask with a skull pattern inspired by a certain comic book vigilante. Small black horns are on the side for a demonic visage. His eyes are not visible as the material on the eye holes of his mask allows him to see through but no one to look in.

Black tights and arm bands that show leg and arm bone patterns respectively. Black knee pads and boots

El Supervillano is the latest of a family line of luchadores who all share the same name and goal of being Rouge Number One. Almost cartoonishly evil both in how he speaks and the actions he takes against any Knight he faces. The most physically imposing incarnation yet, able to overpower most smaller Masqots, the true danger Supervillano poses isn’t in his fighting ability but in his megalomaniacal mind. With diabolical schemes and charismatic speeches, El Supervillano might quickly look to build a faction to impose his will on all of Masqopolis. However, his massive ego and unyielding cruelty to even his allies might earn him as many rivals from the Rouge camp as it will “minions”. He’s also quite disliked for his shameless use of variations of the “Martinete”, or Piledriver, a move banned in some regions!

Box of Doom – A pitch black wooden box wrapped with chains and held together by a skull-shaped padlock. He claims that the box contains "Pure Caos"… but he usually resorts to smashing it over the heads of Knights while the ref is distracted.
Supervillano Driver – Sit-Out Reverse Piledriver
Supervillano Driver Muerte Definitiva – Cross-Armed Gonzo Bomb
Pure DOOM – Alpamare Waterslide; often done out of a Tilt-a-Whirl

Lariat, Choke-Toss Suplex, Pop-up Backbreaker, Shoulder Powerslam, Corner Clothesline, Stalling Suplex, Running Front Dropkick, Military Press Drop