Martillo Negro de la Muerte

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Martillo Negro de la Muerte
This user account status is Approved
El Infiernillo, Pénjamo, Guanajuato
28 years old
Rogue (heel)
Jet black. Occasionally he'll pick an offsetting color to draw attention or make his gear pop, but only for big/marquee matches.

An all black, leather executioners stylized mask with the mouth removed (which allows him to paint his mouth) and hanging down longer on the sides. The eyes holes (which kinda resembles Venoms (from Marvel) eyes) are outlined in thin white. To top it all off, the mask has a large black lions mane made of real hair.

Black wrestling boots covered in long black fur, black kneepads, black trunks with a thick leather belt with metal rings, a short leather "war skirt" with individual leather straps making up the skirt, black leather chest harness in the shape of an X, connected in the middle with a large metal ring, shoulder pads in the shape of skulls, black leather forearm bracers, thin black leather bands above his biceps with hanging leather tassels.

The destroyer of all things, the doombringer. Eyes set to kill, with horror for anyone dumb enough to get in his way. He carries/worships a giant black warhammer, basically it guides him and shows him the way to ultraviolence.

His giant black warhammer or a chair.
"Cazador de Almas" – Package Piledriver
"Fuerza Bruta" – Tiger Driver '91
"Destructor del Titán" – Towerhacker Bomb

Overhead belly to belly suplex
Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker
Uranage slam
Spinning spinebuster
Running powerslam
Ripcord lariat
Pumphandle neckbreaker