Four Oceans Rising

Once again, we find ourselves out on the sea on the ship of the weathered but war-ready buccaneer, Pirata Atterador. This time we’re greeted from within the captain’s quarters, the Captain pondering over a map before noticing the camera.

“ARRRGH MATEYS! ’tis I, the Swashbucklin’ Hero o’ the Seven Seas, Pirata Atterador!”

Empty bottles strewn around the room as well as a pertinent stench of liquor attest that perhaps planning isn’t all that goes on in this space.

“First order o’ business… aye, me debut didn’ go accordin’ t’ plan. In all me exploits on the seas I ‘ave nah faced a monster quite like Martillo. Lora here can attest t’ dat can ye Lora?”

The ever faithful, ever plush parrot sits atop Pirata’s shoulder. Pirata nods thoughtfully.

“Yer right lass, even when a Pirate goes down… they go down swingin’ thar cutlass! All these scallywags can see dat while I fell into the deep waters, I didn’ drown! ‘n now I stand ready t’ SET SAIL again! Yaryaryar…”

“But ‘twon’t be a smooth crossin’, fer now instead o’ one opponent t’ face, I ‘ave four. Cap’n Homewrecker, who reminds me o’ cer’ain scalleywags I’ve seen harassin’ fair wretches at many a drinkin’ hole. El Hijo Del Phonk, an young bilge rat I can barely understand. ‘n o’ course… Coldblooded Mutano. A creature o’ the deep who’d fit right in among the Giant Squid ‘n the Kraken I’ve spotted in the black seas.”

Pirata’s attention is diverted by an unheard remark from Lora, the thick accent dropping with it.

“Lora I know those are both cephalopods but… look you try naming a different sea monster! Loch Ness is only in Scotland!”

Shaking his head, Pirata turns back to the camera.

“Anyway… while me chances might be slim, dat has ne’er stopped a true Pirate cap’n be it at on the high seas or the card table! I will approach dis challenge how I do every match, at FULL MAST! Jolly roger flyin’ high afore I storm the deck! T’ Phonk ‘n Homewrecker, I give ye both only one warnin’ t’ stay out o’ me way… ’cause I wants Mutano all t’ meself!”

“Mutano, I know ye ‘ave dragged many t’ a watery grave. Yer kind ‘ave left me buckos wit’ missin’ eyes ‘n hooks fer hands… but I be no scurvy cur fer ye t’ make a meal o’! The business I peddle be only in dat thar ring, ‘n I will find a way t’ leave ye on the deck, flopping like the oversized fish ye mighty be!”

Pirata now stands up and draws his cutlass, a competitive fire burning in his eyes… perhaps fueled by some liquid courage.

“Four sailors from four oceans meet in battle… but I will be the one to sail away wit’ the soils!”