Such a stunning sight, the city of Masqopolis. Whether it be the plentiful amounts of businesses, hotels, and the ilk that light up the sky with all sorts of flashing lights during the night, or the cozy vibes of the rural sections where people can just live their lives without fear or concern, it is quite the place to live in.
“Money, power, respect.”
Of course, nobody in the MASQ locker room knows that better than one El Padrino, currently looking over the cityscape as the sun begins to set on those beneath him. With wine glass in hand, The Don swirls his poison of choice with an emboldened posture.
“Those are the three tenets for what makes a man who he is.”
The wine glass is set down on the railing in front of him.
“To some, money is the greatest pursuit of all. They risk it all for the almighty dollar, that thrill of buying something nice, of having things that others cannot.”
The Don shakes his head.
“To others, it’s the thrill of power that drives them. The ability to truly own something…or someone. To make people beg and plead, like pathetic little worms writhing on the sidewalk after a downpour.”
Once more, The Don shakes his head.
“Then, there’s the people who just want respect. The ones that believe kings are not made through what they own or what they do, but through the way they command others, making them both listen…and obey.”
Finally, The Don turns to face the camera, back to the city.
“But all of them…are totally wrong.”
Padrino gestures behind him with one arm, hand outstretched to the cityscape below.
“You see, only having one of the three…that’s pathetic. Anyone can flash their cash, step on others, or command a room. Because in just the same way as everyone else around them, those same people can be reduced to having to make a living having to beg, borrow, or steal. Those same people, with teeth of fool’s gold and minds turned to mush, can be forced to steal mere table scraps of those around them, just so they can try and get by.”
Imperceivable to all but the camera, El Padrino’s right hand clenches into a fist, before unclenching just as fast.
“But I? I have no need to reduce myself to that low. I am not like those rats, fiending for fame down there in the sewers. For I am above that, and therefore, above them.”
El Padrino reaches for his glass.
“What those simple-minded fools are not able to realize is that you require all three: Money, power, and respect…and once you have all three? The world becomes yours; Your money pays for power, your power commands respect, and your respect? Well, you already know.”
Padrino takes a sip, before chucking the empty glass.
“Money, power, respect – it all belongs to The Don. And soon? So will that Grand Championship. Just as I truly deserve.”
Fade to black.