Mutanto = Incel???

Mutanto is sad, Dr. Greg.

Mutanto is sad because despite the fact that Mutanto has an oyster perpetual on his wrist and a Ferrari and a McLaren in the garage and millions and millions and millions of dollars, there is one thing Mutanto does not have.

Pussy, Dr. Greg.

Mutanto has no pussy.

Mutanto is a fish but Mutanto is also a man with a big scaly rod and no female fish woman to put his big scaly rod inside. This means Mutanto must decide. Fuck fish, or fuck human females.

Unfortunately, neither will accept Mutanto’s advances. And Mutanto is many things but he is totes not a raper, Dr. Greg.

…And so perhaps you understand Mutanto’s fury when he sees this man, King Homewrecker, fucking fish and fucking human women left and right and left like he’s some sort of Fuck Machine. IT SHOULD BE MUTANTO WHO IS FUCK MACHINE, DR. GREG! THE ICE ON MUTANTO’S WRIST! THE BENJAMINS IN MUTANTO’S POCKET! THE CARS IN MUTANTO’S GARAGE!!!

The tradition of American rap music has taught Mutanto that with these things Mutanto can lose his virginity. Mutanto can, they say, fuck a bad bitch with these items in his possession.

The tradition of American rap music has lied to Mutanto.

King Homewrecker, let it be known that Mutanto admires your fucking acumen and yet remains jealous of it. This stokes the fury in Mutanto’s heart and breaks the heart inside of Mutanto’s lonely rod, which has never felt a woman.

…It’s your fault, King Homewrecker.

It’s your fault that I have never banged in the backseat of a Ferrari. It’s your fault I have never been face first in a strippers ass while she pumps Mutanto’s rod until he ejaculates into her face. Because despite Mutanto being a good man with good intentions…

…What’s that look for, Dr. Greg?


Do you think Mutanto isn’t a nice guy?

“…Of course I don’t. You kidnapped me and made me your sla–”


Nice guys like Mutanto never get the girl while ASSHOLES like YOU who TREAT WOMEN LIKE FUCKIN SHIT can’t swim far enough to get out of the ocean of pussy in which you swim!

How much money will it take? One million? Two million? TEN MILLION? What’s it going to take for Mutanto to get you out of the sexual marketplace so nice guys like Mutanto can finally put his scaly rod in some good clam???

Let it be known that Mutanto is a nice guy with everything a woman could want – money, cars, and jewelry. That is all women want. And yet they fall for DOUCHERS like King Homewrecker. So how about this, King Homewrecker. Mutanto gives you one million dollars to stop fucking, or he stomps on your dick one million times so you’re forced to stop fucking?

Mutanto await your decision, King Homewrecker.

So does Mutanto’s rod.