“It’s all against one. El Masko was reminded of that fact rather harshly when El Masko woke up on that cold, cold concrete. In the darkness there was no one around there to help El Masko except himself. El Masko often thinks about that. How often he had wandered the dark streets, seeing such venomous actions people would turn on each other with such selfish desires once they got their hands on what they wanted. El Masko had to ask himself”
“Was that what El Masko wanted to show to people when he had a chance at the title? That El Masko would be willing to backstab, swindle, all for glory. All for a spot on top of that mountain. El Masko can’t in good conscience say he would do that. It just doesn’t feel right. It goes against the code of honor that El Masko had set for himself oh so long ago.”
“So does that mean that El Masko is going to roll over and die. Accept that he will not win the title and give up? Not a chance. It is him against the world, El Masko will be standing and fighting looking every competitor in the eyes as he eliminates them. For El Masko doesn’t just see them as friend and foe but as equals. And sure, perhaps some dirty tricks were pulled to get a number off of El Masko’s body. That only means one thing to me. That there is worry that El Masko is right. That El Masko’s honor is a strong cure to the poison that has infested most of the MASQ locker room. For he will not pull any dirty tricks as he rips victory from the jaws of defeat.”
“So be it from the first position or the final position in this very rumble El Masko is ready. He made it to the finals of the mettle tournament with the title inchest away from his grasp and it was torn from his grasp. It is not an error that will be repeated. El Masko will take on all comers and will walk out as champion, not because he wormed his way to a final position, or because he pulled some dirty trick. But because he looked the face of adversity in the eye and demanded for more. And he will continue to demand for more until there are no others left in the ring.”
“This may be a title match but for El Masko this is about so much more, this is about redemption. El Medico I know you will be in that ring. I know what you did. You got the better of me at New Game+. But El Masko swears upon his heart you will not be walking out of that ring with the Grand Championship. And should he win the championship, and you cash in your mettle championship. You will fail again. You got the best of El Masko once… Never Again.”