The Beginning of the End

[A low rumble. A bright flash. A deafening roar. Another quick flash and the camera picks up the frame of a massive man. As the picture finally comes into view, we see Martillo Negro de la Muerte sitting slumped atop a ruined throne made of basalt. He tips his maned head to the side as he speaks.]

MARTILLO NEGRO DE LA MUERTE: The path that I now walk will be stained with blood, the enemies that march against me shall be utterly decimated. The call to war is sounding and for the first time in my life, I hear the trumpets clearly.

[He shifts in his seat, the movement drawing attention to the massive, five foot black warhammer that rests underneath his hand.]

MARTILLO NEGRO DE LA MUERTE: And they sound for _me_. I shall answer the call with religious fervor, my faith never once waning in the face of my enemies. My strength bolstered by this..

[He gently pats the warhammer under his hand.]

MARTILLO NEGRO DE LA MUERTE: In due time, all shall be revealed. And when that time does come, the storm that rages with it shall be _inevitable_. But for now I must prove that no mortal man could ever defeat me in battle and as the purifier I shall cleanse this place of the weak, scorched earth. To challenge me is to challenge death, and whom among you could be so foolishly brave? So eager to meet your end and the everlasting nothing that accompanies it.

[He leans forward, resting the massive handle of the warhammer on the arm of the throne. He steeples his hands in front of him and rests his elbows on his thighs.]

MARTILLO NEGRO DE LA MUERTE: So come Bloody Snowflakes my reign of terror will begin and an example will be made of those that I bring war upon. They will witness true horror as they are brought to the brink of ruin, their lives forefit and void. There will be no salvation and no quarter for the weak.

[He begins to wring his hands, his shoulders visibly rising quicker and quicker.]

MARTILLO NEGRO DE LA MUERTE: Mark my words, heed this warning; the end is fast approaching for you all, the darkness comes to swallow everything whole. There are no preparations to be made, no battle plans to be drawn.. for I am the conqueror and this place will soon become my kingdom.

[And with that he rises to his feet, lifting the gigantic warhammer and throwing it over his shoulder and bringing it to rest in one smooth motion, his hand holding the pommel. The camera slowly pulls backward, getting a true look at this monster of a man, a mountain made of flesh and bone. Fade to black.]