[The camera opens on a dark and stormy sky, one of those storms where the rain falls sideways. A flash of lightning illuminates the scene; a beast of a man stands on the beach, facing the waves that break upon the shore. The crack of thunder follows as the camera slowly zooms in on the man. He has to yell to be heard over the storm.]
MARTILLO NEGRO DE LA MUERTE: No man can tame the sea! Many have tried and just as many have failed, a watery grave their final resting place! The sea is an all powerful entity that calms for no mortal man!
[He bends down and scoops up a handful of wet sand, he rubs it between is hands, letting it fall back to the beach.]
MARTILLO NEGRO DE LA MUERTE: Pirata Aterrador! A man who knows well the strength that the waves hold, who knows just how dangerous deep waters can truly be! Soon you will learn that these waters and I have much in common, you will learn that the power I possess can sink ships.
[He raises his massive arms to the sky and throws his head back, embracing the storm that bears down on him.]
MARTILLO NEGRO DE LA MUERTE: And come Unmasked, I’m going to show you, Pirata Aterrador, that the seas you love so much are filled with unimaginable horrors. You’d best pray to Posideon, because I’m going to drag you to the deepest waters just to drown you. Like a rogue wave I shall come upon you with a fury like you’ve never seen..
[He shakes the rainwater from his massive maned head before continuing.]
MARTILLO NEGRO DE LA MUERTE: I know you’ve seen the destruction I’ve left in my wake, the bodies left strewn about. My dominance has been on full display since my arrival and it’s only a fraction of the terror that I plan to unleash upon this place. What will you do, Pirata? What will you do when that bell rings and you’re standing across the ring from me?
[He chuckles softly.]
MARTILLO NEGRO DE LA MUERTE: You’ll do exactly what everybody else has done. Nothing. There’s nothing you’re able to do to stop the storm that’s headed your way, it is inevitable. My war has begun and you’re just another battle, Pirata. I will march over you on my way to glory and gold, the path paved with your bones and blood.
[He looks dead into the camera, his black eyes visible beneath the mask.]
MARTILLO NEGRO DE LA MUERTE: The sea has come to claim another and I will be the one to deliver your body to the deep. I will be the one who drags you under until your lungs burn for air, for relief… but it will never come.
[And with that he turns to face the water again, taking in the raging storm that envelopes him. Fade to black.]